Saturday, 9 April 2016

Autumn at the Prom

Anne and Dom arrived at the start of the school hols and whisked the kids straight down to the Prom, so I'd neither seen nor spoken to my wombats for more than a week due to broken phones.
Friday evening was cold and still with some beautiful autumn light.
We had a cracking bonfire Friday night as Dom had done a lot of clearing down towards the foreshore.
On Saturday the weather came in, but we still snuck in a nice wander at Bear Gully, with lots of treasures, including a marooned cuttlefish which the kids of course wanted to keep as a pet. This was in addition to the pet eel they'd already captured, and a pet skink which ended up making the trip back to Melbourne.
An afternoon run up the inlet surprised me with the highest tide I've ever seen.
Sunday was feral, so we headed back to Melbourne early for a nice family meal for the last night of the school hols.

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